[Sks-devel] Hockeypuck server inclusion in sks pools
Fabian Santiago
2018-09-08 18:28:41 UTC
Hello to all the wonderful pgp key nerds out there,

What’s the secret sauce to getting a hockeypuck server included in the sks pool? Mine is not (currently listed under ‘not in pool’) and I think it’s due to my reported version number. Am I correct?

It’s keys2.fspproductions.biz and it is reverse proxied behind nginx.

In my hockeypuck config I have set the version flag but that doesn’t seem to have done anything. Casey Marshall’s sample has ‘1.1.3’ and I set mine to 1.1.6, to match sks current rev. Was I wrong?

Any other ideas? Thanks.


Fabian A. Santiago


